Thursday, May 3, 2007


Ps 91:3 Surely He shall deeliver thee from the snare of the fowler, and from teh noisome pestilence.

Deliverence is a promise from God when we live according to His will.

Just last week He delivered my hubby and son from what would have been a very serious accident. Hubby had just picked up son from work and they were coming home. It was a very stormy night. A car and truck on the cross road (hubby was first in line at a red light) had an accident with the car made a turn and the truck slammed into it. The car started spinning and was headed directly for the front of our van. At the last moment the car spun to the side of our van instead of hitting it. When the car came to a stop hubby immediately put the van in park and ran to check on the lady in the car as he could see the man in truck was ok. Just shaken up. She appeared to be very shaken up but ok. Fortunately there was a policeman right behind hubby at the light. Once again God delivered my family in time of need! Isn't God good?


Mere said...

GOD IS AMAZING!!! That's awesome about your son and husband!! You are blessed!!


FlipFlop Mom said...

Oh my.. you didn't tell me about that.. WOW!!! Praise God they were safe....!!!!!! and I was thinking.. "oh no..not the new van".. LOL LOL I'm so glad your hubby checked on the people.. !! he's awesome... but I don't need to tell you that!!

Happywife84 said...

How awesome!!! What a blessing! I'm going to cling to that verse! I know God has delivered us many times..and I know He delivers us from things we don't even know about!

cajunquilter said...

He is awesome! He has had cpr, etc training for work, so he always goes to see if he can help if he is first one there.