Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Ps 91:1

Psalm 91 is not Jesus' excuse for avoiding the cross, but His reason for going to the cross. Over the next few days I will be studying this psalm. It is not the first time I have taken a few days and dwelt there. There is so much in all of the bible that we should study, but I do have favorite places to rest for a while. This psalm is one of them.

Ps 91:1 He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.

Ps 17:8 says, Keep me as the apple of the eye, hide me under the shadow of Thy wings.

This first verse in 91 and in verse 8 of chapter 17 have special meaning to me every time I read them.

Alot of years ago, I was riding in the back of our pickup truck. And things weren't going well on a lot of different levels for me personally. I wasn't depressed, but I was unhappy. As we were going down the road at about 45 miles an hour, I heard a voice in my ear (that old demon the devil) telling me my family would be so much better off if I just jumped out the truck. I immediately realized what was happening and began to pray that the Lord would block that voice and give me peace. He showed me a vision right then and there of a huge eagle in the sky. It was magnificent. And then the eagle opened up its wing on one side and in the feathers close to his heart was me. I knew right then that the eagle was Christ my Savior and He was telling me that I was gonna be ok. That I was under His wing and in His shadow and NOTHING could touch me. Every time I get in a place where I think there is no way out, I read these two verses to remind myself that I am under the shadow of Christ my Savior and that this too shall pass.

1 comment:

Mere said...

I made a book mark about a month or two ago with Psalm 17:8. It's one of my favorite verses too! What an AWESOME GOD we serve!

Love, Mere