Thursday, April 26, 2007

Far above rubies

Pr 31:10 Who can find a virtuous wife? For her worth is far above rubies.

I think Proverbs 31 verses are some of the most beautiful. On the surface we might think it is impossible to be like this woman. But with Christ, all things are possible. Now I don't expect for this to happen in one day :-).

But think about our lives as a quilt. One that we start when we are young and add fabric and stitches, or remove fabric and stitches to every day of our lives. It is an on going process and it will take our entire lifetime to complete.

We need to really SEE the second part of this verse and remember it when the world or the devil try to make us think we aren't worth much. To God (and hopefully to our husbands) we are worth more then rubies !!

I am so encouraged when I read that!

We need to follow the direction that God has already given us. Most of the time we fail not because we don't know what to do but from lack of obedience.

Let's remember that we are responsible for our behavior, attitude, role as a christian woman, wife and mother.


Lori said...

Thank you for this reminder, thank you very much.

cajunquilter said...

You are most welcome. Glad it helped someone.